Parent Teachers Meeting (PTM)

. These exercises provided a space for teachers and parents for cross learning, exchange their observations and propose suggestions in the interest of all round development of the students. It helped them to know and understand students better. It also strengthened their mutual relationship and collaboration.

In this occasion, I would also like to acknowledge that the parents and students generously contributed for Teachers day, Christmas day, and to support poor children around. It helped community particularly, parents to feel that they are an integral part of St. Thomas family. It increased in them feeling of ‘oneness’  ‘belongingness’ and ‘solidarity’ with each other. We acknowledge a valuable partnership of the parents with St. Thomas School Family.

During this academic year, the principal and teachers were always available to the parents and students, and met them time to time according to their needs. They were also involved counseling the parents and children on students’ behavior, relationship, attitude, abilities and competency and discipline.